Для тонких ценителей жанра - вышла книга "Is Prog Rock Really Progressive?" написаная Василеосом Ифантисом, как диалог различных коллективов о развитии направления: Paperback version: https://www.amazon.com/Prog-Rock-Really-Progressive/dp/1548614416/ E-book version: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083RK8N59 Ниже ответы на некоторые вопросы от Константина Гланца (Soul Enema) : 1. What is progress in progressive rock? I would define it as a constant search for a renewed combinations of sounds and influences, that is instrumental in building your own trademark features each time. All this goes without sacrificing the backbone of great, demanding and challenging songwriting on your way through. A real-world example might be the evolution of King Crimson through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. 2. Is modern progressive rock, really progressive? Yes and no. It’s hard to generalize, but according to my subjective impression, it’s more often “no”, for various reasons. For one thing, to be fair, it is difficult to successfully reinvent yourself to a certain degree each time, and it’s naturally easier to stick to the tried, proven and expected. Besides, it’s understandable that many have no aspirations to make any actual progress to begin with. They produce a specific variety of music that they enjoy, time after time, in perfect harmony with some established sub-genre tradition or canon. 3. Would you accept other music genres as progressive music? I sure would, if it does indeed have those progressive features mentioned earlier. For example, it might be Progressive Electronic music, when the same principles of creativity are present. In that case it would simply be predominantly based on Electronic music instead of Rock. 4. Does technology affect the "progress" of progressive rock? A technological development was and still can be one of the important aspects in creative search. But we need to draw a fine line here between assertive, individual search on one hand, and jumping on the bandwagon as part of a trend created by the latest technological development on the other hand. In the first case it might affect the progress (without quotation marks). In the second case it might improve the sales, albeit for a short period, most likely. 5. What would be the next step for the "progress" of the progressive rock music? Interesting question. In terms of creative principles, the next step is no different from the previous step. The specific forms are the result of an individual creative search in each case. In some ways it’s similar to evolution. Evolution has its functional principles, but under certain conditions it may take countless forms.

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